Terms and Conditions

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12. We will not view, edit or pre-screen any contribution (including User Content) that is uploaded to our site. Comments, reviews and/or feedback (“Comments”) relating to you, may be published on our site and may be critical or defamatory. We assume no responsibility or liability for any Comments or User Content uploaded or published by users. We have the right (but not the obligation) at our sole discretion to refuse or remove any Comments, User Content or other material that is uploaded, shared, submitted or posted to the forums or our site without the need to give any reasons for doing so.

13. User Content that you have uploaded, shared or submitted using our site may still appear on our site even after you terminate using our website or related application. We shall continue to have the right to use your User Content in accordance with these Terms of Use.

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15. We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any service offered by us or any part of it (including the availability of any features of or pages on our site) at any time and without notice or liability to you. We are also entitled to suspend or terminate your membership or access to any part of our site at any time if you breach these Terms of Use.

16. We reserve the right to vary these Terms of Use from time to time. Such variations become effective immediately upon the posting of the varied Terms of Use on our site. By continuing to use our site you will be deemed to accept such variations.

Please check our site regularly to ensure you are familiar with the current version of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. If you do not accept any of the modifications, revisions or amendments to these Terms of Use, you should stop using our site and the services offered by us immediately.

17. If any term of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or un-enforceable, the remainder of these Terms of Use shall remain valid and enforceable.

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19. These Terms of Use, together with our Privacy Policy, Purchase Policy, VIP Conditions and any Additional Terms, and constitute the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of our Website and supersede all previous agreements in respect of such use.


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